Tuesday, January 12, 2016

dining room

Guys, FINALLY got rid of my burgundy walls in the dining room. Honestly, I was obsessed with the color scheme the previous owner chose when we moved in. It was a lot of tans and burgundy/maroon, which was great for primitive décor and I even painted my upstairs to match. Overtime, I absolutely came to despise the burgundy dinning room and now my hideous upstairs hallway. I picked "useful gray" by the HGTV line, not too dark & not too light. So today was the day and let me tell you, it was a very long and exhausting one. How do you paint an entire dinning room with two toddlers to watch? Do you take them to grandma's house for the day? Nope. Do you bribe a friend to watch them in exchange for Starbucks? Nope. Do you build a small barricade to try and keep them out? Yes, but that too will fail. This is what you do...  You arm them with mini-roller's, drag out every retired sheet in the house to line the floors, you pray that God has a sense of humor and you brace yourself. You also laugh, A LOT and not because all the things they do are funny. You laugh because you are trying to prevent yourself from crying every time their sweet little greasy fingers leave not so sweet, but equally as greasy marks all over your wet paint. You laugh again because what should be a completed wall is a mural of poorly illustrated Mickey Mouse heads and monster trucks. Then when its all said and done and they're FINALLY sleeping, you smile. You smile because although the walls are painted one solid color now, their little handprints and your poor attempt at cartoon characters is still under there somewhere. Then you may cry, because you realize you're overly tired and getting emotional, lol. ANYWAYS, I wish I would've taken a picture in the day light, but said toddlers prevented any extra time being spent in there. I will also post a picture when all my stuff is put back and touch ups are done. Here's the general idea, excuse the floor and again I'm no photographer. I will be spending the rest of my night catching up on The Bachelor and watching The Hills reruns ...


  1. I love it!! So much better than that burgundy!! :)

  2. You need to find a before picture. And when its all done post the before and after!
